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Sorry I Don’t Have The Bandwidth T-Shirt

Description: In times of working at home, online classes and chatting with friends and relatives on the webcam, this is a perfect designer to give as a gift to family, friends, co-workers or classmates.

Tags: online school, virtual meetings, birthday, christmas, email
I Don’t Have The Bandwidth T-Shirt

Description: In times of working at home, online classes and chatting with friends and relatives on the webcam, this is a perfect designer to give as a gift to family, friends, co-workers or classmates.

Tags: online school, virtual meetings, birthday, christmas, email
Can Everyone See My Screen? T-Shirt

Description: In times of working at home, online classes and chatting with friends and relatives on the webcam, this is a perfect designer to give as a gift to family, friends, co-workers or classmates.

Tags: online school, virtual meetings, can everyone see my screen, birthday, christmas
This Should Have Been an Email T-Shirt

Description: In times of working at home, online classes and chatting with friends and relatives on the webcam, this is a perfect designer to give as a gift to family, friends, co-workers or classmates.

Tags: online school, virtual meetings, birthday, christmas, email
Please Advise T-Shirt

Description: In times of working at home, online classes and chatting with friends and relatives on the webcam, this is a perfect designer to give as a gift to family, friends, co-workers or classmates.

Tags: email humor, coworker present, please advise, work, study online
Be Positive T-Shirt

Description: There are times that 1% is sufficient, in others it is necessary to charge. Drawing a low battery symbol

Tags: battery low, battery life, battery bar, battery, battery red

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